Miami’s Dog Bite Laws: Protecting Victims of Animal Attacks

May 31 2024

Dogs have a well-earned reputation for being man’s best friend. Alas, though the vast majority of interactions with canines will be positive, that’s not always the case. Dogs, while often cute and friendly, can also be aggressive from time to time, and in some situations may cause harm to an individual. There are some 4.5 million dog bites each year across the United States, and it’s a particular concern in the Miami area. Indeed, according to reports, there was an 11% increase in dog bite incidents in 2023 compared with the previous years. Many dog bites result in superficial injuries…

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How Long to Report an Accident: Find Out the Time Limit

May 31 2024

Accidents can be incredibly difficult to deal with. One minute, you’re living your life, and the next you’re having to reassess everything from your working situation to your finances in light of long-term medical care. That’s a lot to deal with, and it’s hardly surprising that reporting your accident might be at the bottom of your list of priorities. Unfortunately, delays in accident reporting may end up costing you at a time when money could be incredibly important to your recovery. Unfortunately, this is a mistake that many people make and, according to recent surveys, it’s one that means the…

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Hotel Injuries In Miami: What You Need To Know About Premises Liability

May 31 2024

Miami is a popular tourist destination, home to hundreds of hotels that welcome visitors in their millions each year. And while visitor numbers are increasing, the hotel market remains a competitive one. Hotel owners must do all they can to maintain stellar reputations and outshine the competition, and a strong health and safety record is one way to achieve this. When it comes to health and safety, hotel owners have several obligations to their guests and their employees. Under premises liability, hotel owners have a legal obligation to maintain health and safety standards, ensuring their properties maintain a safe space…

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Discover The Duration: How Long Does An Appeal Take For Disability?

May 31 2024

Have you been denied a request for disability benefits in Miami? It can be an uncertain and distressing time if you’re not sure you’ll get the support you need for an unexpected illness. Fortunately, with the support of the Law Office of Cary Woods II, a personal injury lawyer and disability specialist, you’ll find the answer to the question ‘How long does an appeal take for disability?’. This article will discuss the duration and process of filing a disability appeal. Understanding The Disability Appeal Process You may need to take two routes when appealing your disability claim decision. This depends…

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How to Report an Accident to Insurance: A Step-by-Step Guide

May 09 2024

It is estimated that there are over 5 million auto accidents a year in the US, of which over 1.5 million resulted in injuries. What’s more, these figures are only for reported crashes – it stands to reason that numerous car accidents happen and go unreported. As such, the chances of you experiencing an auto accident at some point in your lifetime are extremely high. When this happens, you need to know what to do following the incident. More specifically, you must understand how to report an accident to insurance. It’s something many people do not understand, which is perfectly…

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Protecting Yourself From Wrongful Death Claims: Legal Advice For Miami Families

May 09 2024

Dealing with the death of a loved one is a difficult and emotional time. And in cases where a person’s death is the result of someone else’s negligence or wrongful actions, the grief can be even more difficult to deal with. The aftermath of a loved one’s death not only results in grief, but the prospect of legal challenges to help get answers or a way to move forward. But navigating the legal process of a wrongful death claim can be difficult, which is why it’s important to have an experienced attorney by your side. In this post, we’ll guide…

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